Double buggy or not? 


Hey guys.. Just need some opinions and help please. Do i get a double buggy or not?!?! 

My 2 year old son is in and out of his pushchair at the moment, prefers to walk but he has his days where he wont leave the house without his puschair.  So i am double minded in if i need to get a double buggy or not for when the second bubah comes! 

On one hand i find them bulky and hard to manage but then im sure its about finding the right one for me.. Any suggestions?? 

Ive seen a few, like the icandy , phil and teds, joolz etc and they all seem to be popular but some have reviews and some dont, so am not sure which one to go for.. 

Please give me your opinions guys whilst i also go and look at reviews and speak to the companies ☺️  … 

2 thoughts on “Double buggy or not? 

  1. I am in love with the Strider Plus. It is more or less the pictured on your blog- reasonably priced and well suited to my three year old and 1 year old. The basket underneath is a little hard to get to but most days I can manage. Good luck with finding the perfect double buggy 🙂


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